Free WiFi
at your fingertips
5000 reviews with 4.9 rating
All your connectivity needs
in one place
Bringing internet access and lifestyle services to everybody, everywhere in a single super-app.
Find free Wi-Fi hotspots worldwide
Get full access to data from millions of Wi-Fi hotspots
Take your maps
with you
Save our database of hotspots to your device so you can get connected when you’re out of data, wherever you are
Stay online worldwide with eSIM
WiFi Map eSIM is available in 70+ countries
Secure your digital life with a VPN
Avoid local limitations and secure your internet connection when using public hotspots
Users worldwide add new
Wi-Fi hotspots & update existing

We believe that everyone on our planet should have access to free and secure Internet. Help us build a global wireless network. Together we will connect the world.

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WiFi Map is a bringing decentralized internet access and lifestyle services to everybody, everywhere
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